Community Fundraising 2022
Published: 25/03/2022
Charity Fundraising Events
Parrs Wood is proud of the ways in which our students use different initiatives, to raise money to support causes that really mean something to them. Take a look at what some of our students and staff have got up to over the school year.
Food Banks
Just before the end of half term, we wanted to help support the local food banks in our area by collecting items from our harvest festival. We were overwhelmed with student’s generosity, as were the food banks. A great effort by all of the students and staff.

MacMillan / The Brain Tumor Charity
A number of our Year 9 girls have been raising funds in numerous activities over the last few months for either MacMillan or The Brain Tumor Charity. So far, they have raised a whopping £4,627.
Our Year 9 students have also been busy over the last few days organising a bake sale to raise funds for The Brain Tumour Charity. They managed to raise £140 from the sales of their homemade cakes.
The Ration Challenge
Could you live on just a small amount of rice, flour, lentils, chickpeas, beans, fish (or tofu) and oil? Well that’s what one of our teachers chose to do for 1 week by taking part in the Ration Challenge. Between the 13th – 19th June 2022, She lived on only the ingredients listed above. That’s right, no coffee or sugar! With your help and support, she raised a huge £891.45.
Supporting Ukraine
Some of our Year 9 Duke of Edinburgh’s Award students have been helping to make Ukraine coloured earrings and pendants in Design & Technology, to show support and help raise money for Ukraine.