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Ofsted Report

Please take a look at our latest Ofsted inspection report (2019), the findings of which state that Parrs Wood High School “continues to be good”.

Pupils are pleased to be part of a culturally diverse and caring community. They appreciate the help and guidance they receive from their teachers.

As a result of good teaching, students overall make good progress so that, by the end of Year 11 they have reached higher than average standards in many subjects, including English, science and mathematics.

Students are articulate and the promotion of literacy is a strong focus across the school and in all lessons.

The additional specialist support provided for some low-ability students in English and mathematics is helping them to become increasingly confident and more engaged in their learning when they return to their normal lessons. This helps them to make progress in line with others.

Teachers provide increasingly challenging and interesting activities within lessons to extend the learning for more-able students.

Teacher’s strong subject knowledge and enthusiasm helps to create lessons which students enjoy. Their calm approach to behaviour management means that students remain on task.

In the best lessons tasks are matched accurately to individual student needs and provide opportunities for students to put their learning into context.

Relationships are strong and based on respect. All staff model the school’s values and expectations and set an excellent example to students.

Behaviour in lessons and around the school is good, including at lunchtime and break. Students consistently show respect towards one another and to adults.

Students enjoy coming to school and feel safe. They say that behaviour has also improved in the last three years, since the headteacher was appointed.

There are ample opportunities for students to assume leadership roles and to become fully involved in school life.

Senior leaders’ monitoring and evaluation of performance is accurate. They know how to improve teaching and learning and have comprehensive plans to raise the quality of teaching and achievement further.

The headteacher is a visionary leader. He has created strong leadership throughout the school.

Staff are highly committed to the school and to the vision that has been created by senior leaders and governors.

Students appreciate the contact they have with the headteacher, who takes every opportunity to talk to them. They say that he always greets them with a smile, finds something positive to say and encourages them to do their best.

Ofsted (the Office for Standards in Education) are an independent and impartial body who report directly to Parliament. They inspect services which care for children and young people, and those providing education and skills for learners of all ages.

Quality Marks, Awards and Affiliations

We strive for excellence and are very proud of our achievements and affiliations.

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Greater Manchester Education Trust logo Chartered College of Teaching Institutional Member 2023/24 badge Cyber Essentials Certified logo
Ofsted Good Provider logo Leading Parent Partnership Award logo Music Mark logo The FA Charter Standard Schools logo Inspiring IAG logo School Games Gold logo Healthy Schools Manchester logo Speaker's Schools Council Awards logo Artsmark Gold Award logo