Results 2024
GCSE Results
Huge congratulations to the class of 2024! We are so proud of our students and the results they have achieved. Through their hard work, determination, and commitment to learning they are now able to take their next steps into their future lifelong journeys.
We would like to wish them all the best of luck in their future career paths and look forward to seeing many of them continue their future learning with us at Parrs Wood Sixth Form.
- 25% of all grades achieved were 7+
- 15% of the year group achieved at least 1 grade 9
- 66% of students achieved 4+ in English and Maths
- 45% of students achieved 5+ in English and Maths
- Progress 8 score: -0.07
Sixth Form Results
Congratulations to all our students at Key Stage 5, we are very proud of the results which they have achieved for both A-Level and BTEC. We wish them all the best of luck in their future and next steps of their journeys.
- Overall Level 3 Pass Rate was 93%, with the BTEC Level 3 Pass rate being 99%, average Grade ‘Merit’
- There was a strong performance in the following A level subjects where more than 20% of students achieved A grade or above: Maths (20%), Further Maths (40%), Art with Photography (50%), Psychology (21%), Spanish (67%) and Urdu (100%)
- Level 3 Business and Health & Social Care Diplomas achieved strong results with over 49% achieving at least ‘Distinction Merit’
- Level 3 Applied Science, E-Sports, ICT & Sport Extended Certificates showed 40% of students achieving at least Distinction, with 74% achieving at least Merit
In 2024:
- 208 Students completed Year 13 2023/24 with a retention figure from Year 12 of 97%
- 144 students studied 3 pure A Levels whilst 182 students studied at least 1 A Level or Level 3 qualification (excluding Applied General / Vocational)
- 82 students study at least one Applied general qualification
Year 13 students have progressed onto a range of pathways post-18:
- University – 74% of the year group
- Employment or Gap Year – 24%
- Apprenticeships – 2%
This year saw students progressing onto a range of courses at university, including:
- Business Management
- Chemistry
- Classics & PPE
- Computer Science
- Cyber Security
- Dentistry
- Engineering
- History
- Law
- Mathematics
- Mechanical Engineering
- Medicine
- Pharmacy
- Primary Teaching
- Psychology
- Zoology
The majority of our students have secured their university places, many outside of the Greater Manchester area. 3 students secured places at Oxford or Cambridge to study:
- Classics – Gonville and Caius College Cambridge
- Engineering – King’s College Cambridge
- PPE – University College Oxford
Other destinations included:
- Aberdeen University
- Birmingham University
- Bristol University
- Liverpool university
- Kings College London
- Southampton university
- Edge Hill University
- Liverpool John Moores University
- University of Central Lancashire
Retention of Students (from 2023 Main Study Programmes)
208 Students completed Year 13 2023/24 with a retention figure from Year 12 of 97%.
Look back at our Results 2023 information.