The designated Careers Lead for Parrs Wood High School and Sixth Form is: Mrs A. Brotherton
Date for next review of the information published here on our careers page: July 2025
Future Choices Programme
Our Future Choices programme is designed to inspire and expand understanding and knowledge of career opportunities and choices. Creating a spark that motivates our young people to move forward in their career thinking. It aims to answer the questions:
- What is out there?
- Which qualifications and skills do I need to pursue my ambitions?
- Which route do I take?
At the heart of our programme is impartial 1 to 1 guidance which gives our young people the opportunity to explore their personal ambitions and contextualise messages delivered through the main programme. This is delivered in a timely fashion for post 14, 16 and 18 decision points.
Our activities are delivered across the school and we use the Future Choices brand to visually pull the programme together and identify careers activities.
IAG Standard
We have been reaccredited for the IAG quality standard in careers. The assessor said:
This is in recognition of your excellent careers education, information, advice and guidance provision incorporating Gatsby Benchmarks. It is a well-deserved achievement that recognises your hard work and that of all your staff.
Measuring the Impact of our Careers Programme
We have an annual evaluation plan which includes student destinations alongside feedback on the programme and individual activities from external partners, internal partners, students and parents/carers.
The results are fed back to the Senior Leadership Team and form the programme for the following year, the annual review takes place in July.