The move to secondary school is a time of big changes in a young person’s life. Making the right choice about the best school for your child to move on to is really important. The decision to send your child to Parrs Wood High School is one which we do not take for granted, and we value the chance to forge a successful partnership with you.
To ensure that our new Year 7 students’ transition from primary school is as seamless and stress-free as possible, Parrs Wood High School has a very effective and highly-regarded transition programme in place.
The opportunity to experience new subjects, new activities and make new friends at a bigger school is often met with great enthusiasm. At Parrs Wood High School, we also understand that whilst some students feel this way, some may feel nervous and anxious at the thought of starting at a new school. For most, it’s normally a little bit of both!
Please explore the information here on our Transition page, and follow us on social media to learn more about our school.
If you have any questions you can reach us by email: seeyousoon@pwhs.co.uk
Student places at Parrs Wood High School are allocated by Manchester City Council. If you have accepted a place, but have not yet spoken to us at school, then please contact our main office to speak to one of the team as soon as possible. Further details can also be found on our admissions page.
In the summer term we will arrange with all feeder and partner primary school for our new intake to come and spend a full day with us. The children will be divided up into groups and will follow an exciting and interesting programme of lessons led by a select group of our amazing teachers.
During the first weeks of Year 7 we take the children off timetable for a day’s team building and problem solving. Working in new groups, they cooperate, learn to lead and listen, and build their self confidence.
Students during a ‘Bonding Day’ at Parrs Wood High School
When you apply for your place at Parrs Wood we will ask your child for some information about themself, including who their friends are. If any of them are also joining us in September, we will make sure that at least one of their friends is in their new tutor group to help them find their feet.
During the summer holidays we run a really successful holiday school just for our new year 7 students. The children will have plenty of time to get to know their new school friends, meet some of our staff, and find their way around your new school. We will be running loads of fun learning activities, all for free!
All students will receive a Transition Booklet on transition evening. The booklet will enable you to discuss moving to secondary school as a family. It will enable you to plan your child’s journey to school, discuss any worries they may have and set targets for themselves. There are also a range of other wellbeing activities.
Quiet Storm, by Kimberly Whittam
Reading for pleasure essential for developing literacy skills and improving your child’s academic progress. Parrs Wood High School promotes reading throughout your child’s time with us, both within and outside of the curriculum.
Manchester Big Read have continued with their ‘Transition Read’ project for Year 6-7 students. This year we distributed copies of ‘Quiet Storm’ by Kimberley Whittam to all of our new intake during the Transition Evening. If your child missed out, get them to speak to Mr McLynn as soon as possible to claim their free copy.
We strive for excellence and are very proud of our achievements and affiliations.
If you believe something is missing or should be removed from the list below, please let us know.