
We often hear about how important reading is for us, both for our development and our wellbeing, but this isn’t something that applies only to younger children.

The benefits of reading for our teenagers are innumerable, supporting their progress in school, their development as independent thinkers and providing a chance to pause in an increasingly fast paced world. It’s vital that our young people focus just as much on what they read for pleasure as they do on their academic reading in school.

Reading also supports all of our core values as a school:

  • Community – reading widely allows us to see different views, perspectives and cultures from across the world
  • Creativity – reading supports the development of our imaginations. The more we read, the more we know, and the more we can use that knowledge to push our own understanding further
  • Achievement – studies show that young people who regularly read at home achieve more highly on their assessments in school. For example, students who read appropriately for just 20 minutes a day are significantly more likely to achieve grades in the top 10% of their cohort than those who don’t, regardless of their starting point

Your Child and Reading

The benefits of reading for our teenagers are innumerable, supporting their progress in school, their development as independent thinkers and providing a chance to pause in an increasingly fast paced world.


The Library caters for students of all ages and reading abilities and with a wide variety of books in different genres, you're guaranteed to find something to get you drawn into reading.

Reading Lists

The following book lists are comprised of reading-for-pleasure books that link to our three core values; Community, Creativity, Achievement.

Quality Marks, Awards and Affiliations

We strive for excellence and are very proud of our achievements and affiliations.

If you believe something is missing or should be removed from the list below, please let us know.

Greater Manchester Education Trust logo Chartered College of Teaching Institutional Member 2023/24 badge Cyber Essentials Certified logo
Ofsted Good Provider logo The Duke of Edinburgh's Award logo Music Mark logo Leading Parent Partnership Award logo The FA Charter Standard Schools logo Inspiring IAG logo School Games Gold logo Healthy Schools Manchester logo Speaker's Schools Council Awards logo Artsmark Gold Award logo