If you read a lot in school and at home, you will soon find yourself whizzing through tasks in every subject. That is why we have our rule that you should bring a reading book to school every day. You are sure to find some books that will grab your attention on our reading lists. Or why not pop into the LRC and see if anything there takes your fancy?
Useful Links
Our staff highly recommend these links for students to visit as they contain useful resources to assist in this particular subject area:
- Century Tech
- GCSE English RevisionPod on Spotify
- BBC Bitesize: KS3 and KS4 English
Reading List
Our recommended reading list for Key Stage 3 and 4:
Key Stage 3
Our English curriculum at KS3 intends to build upon the knowledge from KS2 and equip students with the ability to write cohesive and accurate texts that demonstrate a flair for language as well as a sense of audience. We will equip students with the ability to skim read, make judicious selections of evidence, and analyse the effects of language. Equally, by teaching a broad range of literature from Shakespeare to the modern novel and poetry, we aim to maximise each student’s cultural capital. We also equip students with key oracy skills and develop students’ ability to think independently about issues in the world around them though discussion and debating skills. By the end of KS3 students should be able to read to at least their chronological age; have attained expected progress relative to their starting point and be equipped with the reading and writing skills to be able to access and succeed at GCSE.
Key Stage 4
Our English curriculum at KS4 builds upon the skills developed during KS3, enabling students to explore concepts and ideas independently both in texts they read and in their own writing. We equip students with the ability to explore the wider meaning of texts, develop analysis using precise evidence, and explore the connections between writers’ choices and the messages they convey. By exploring a wide range of material in both the English Literature and English Language GCSE we support further development of cultural capital and aim to equip students to be independent thinkers in the wider world. By the end of KS4 students should be able to attain expected progress relative to their starting point in both English Literature and English Language, be equipped with the reading and writing skills necessary for further education or to secure a job and have the capacity for independent thinking required to succeed in the wider world.
Media Studies
Our Media Studies curriculum is designed to ensure that students are active, critical consumers of mass media. We develop students’ understanding in how the media shape all aspects of our everyday lives including: our identity, our culture and our perspectives. We ensure that students are also creative and able to express their values through the production of their own media products.
- BBC Bitesize: Media Studies
- Media Studies
- Mrs Fisher’s Media Studies Revision Channel on YouTube
Key Stage 5
We offer the following subjects at Parrs Wood Sixth Form College:
Director of Faculty: F. Blake (f.blake@pwhs.co.uk)