Uniform and Equipment
At Parrs Wood High School we have a uniform policy, which must be followed through all year groups. Please click the link above to view our current school uniform list.
We have some good quality, second-hand uniforms available from the main reception including Blazers, Jumpers, Trousers, Skirts and PE kits at a reduced cost. Please contact main reception on 0161 446 8640 to arrange an appointment.
Uniform Stores
Personal Appearance
A high standard of personal appearance is expected of all students and anyone arriving to school in non-uniform may expect to be sent home to get changed.
Make-up and nail varnish are not permitted.
No jewellery other than watches are allowed to be worn in school. This includes any piercings, facial or otherwise. ‘Fashion’ haircuts and colours are not allowed. No haircuts are allowed where there are significant differences between hair lengths within the haircut. This includes ‘tracks’, ‘mohawks’ or similar.
Students should not bring personal devices such as mobile phones, laptops, iPods, digital cameras, earphones, or mobile technology into school. The school will not be responsible for any such items, should they be brought into school and become lost, damaged or stolen. Students seen in possession of the aforementioned items will have them confiscated until the end of the day, if it is their first offence. Should the item be confiscated for a second time then a parent/carer will be required to come into school after 3.05pm on the Friday of that week to retrieve the item.
School bag – all students must have a school bag that they can use on a daily basis, which is big enough to carry stationery, books and their planner. Handbags are not allowed.
Every student will be issued with a Parrs Wood school planner at the beginning of the academic year. This planner contains important information and should be brought to every lesson. Any homework set should be written in the planner with details of when it is due. This will help students to organise their work and time. If the planner is lost or damaged, a new one can be bought from school.
Students should have a bag that is big enough to carry the equipment they need for school. This can include their exercise books, PE kit, ingredients for Food Technology and a range of other items. It is the student’s responsibility to take care of their belongings, and items should be marked to indicate whom they belong to.
Equipment – Simple 7
We ask all students to bring 7 pieces of equipment with them to school. These are:
- At least 2 blue or black writing pens
- Pencil
- Pencil sharpener
- Rubber
- Ruler
- Calculator
- Planner – this will be issued to students on the first day
If we receive Pupil Premium funding for your child, they will receive a complimentary stationery pack containing their ‘Simple 7’ when they start in September.
Additional Equipment
For some lessons, students may also need subject specific equipment such as a compass, protractors, highlighter pens, coloured pencils and dictionaries, so it may be useful to have access to these at home. All of these items are available to purchase in our Reward Shop.
Exercise books will be issued and should be brought to lessons. students are responsible for any text book/other equipment that is issued and will be required to pay for loss or damage.
Bicycles may be brought to school and locked up at the bike park. A secure ‘D lock’ (or equivalent) is the most effective way of securing bicycles. School cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to any bicycle brought onto school premises.