This is an example catalogue and may not be 100% accurate. Please check with the Reward Shop directly for availability and the most accurate pricing.
Student Leadership Awards
Our Leadership Awards recognise and celebrate the positive contribution that students make to our School community. In Y7, your child will work towards their Bronze Award by demonstrating a sustained commitment to each of the following areas:
- Extra-curricular
- Service to the community
- Service to the school
- Social responsibility
- Wellbeing
Values Committee
Year 7 students are invited to join our Values Committee, where they can work collaboratively to promote our shared values of Community, Creativity and Achievement across the school.
FRED (Fairness, Respect, Equality, Dignity) represents the basic standards that we expect from all of our students both in terms of their own behaviour and their treatment of others. We frequently ask our students to consider ‘what would Fred do?’ in specific situations so that they can appreciate how their actions may be perceived by, and impact on, others.
We aim to celebrate the achievements of our students every day and have a range of rewards from Reward Shop points to breakfast with the Headteacher. In addition to this, we run termly reward trips to acknowledge achievements in academic and pastoral areas and in attendance and punctuality.